Thursday, March 10, 2011


On March 5, 2011 the Brooklyn & Manhattan Districts of the
Order of the Eastern Star, for the State of the New York, held a joint meeting at the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York

 Associate Patron Brother Ursino Rivera Jr. (left) Most Worthy Janet R. Siano,Grand Matron (center) & Most Worthy John Whitney,Grand Patron (right)

Worthy Matron Mary Colon, from Stuyvesant Parthenon Chapter No. 693.
Accompanied by other Worthy Matrons & Worthy Patrons from other Chapters.
Worthy Matron Mary Colon waving to the Most Worthy Janet R. Siano and Most Worthy John Whitney Grand Patron.

Worthy Matron Mary Colon & Worthy Patron John Colon & Michael Lampadarius

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DDGM Visit to the Lodge of the United Services 1118 - 4th Manhattan District

R:.W:. Aldo R. Smith, District Deputy Grand Master 4th Manhattan District

R:.W:. Hiroshi Kaku & RW Raymond Alvarez
4th Manhattan Veterans & Color Guard

R:.W:. Aldo R. Smith delivering the Grand Master's message to the Brothers of LOTUS 1118

W:.Rubin Roberson, Master of the Lodge of the United Services 1118 with R:.W:.Aldo R. Smith DDGM 4th Manhattan District