Welcome to the Metropolitan Area Masonic Blog. We hope that this will truly be something nore than your average Blogspot.
On any given night in the greater Metropolitan area, there are many Lodges hosting events. A visiting Brother can always find a Lodge where he can attend a Festive Board, witness a Degree being conferred, participate in a Brother Bring a Friend Night or hear a lecture on Masonic History or Symbolism.
It is our hope that this blog becomes a place where you can post articles and photos of your recent event. Missed the Empire State Mason's deadline for submitting articles? No problem, send us your photos and articles and we'll post them here. And there's never a deadline.
Do you have a special event that you would like to publicize? Just send us your notice and we''ll post the event within twenty four hours of receiving it. Whether it's an upcoming event or one that was recently held; this is the place to talk about it. We are not a substitute for any other social network, publication or media outlet; just another option.
At the recent Public Relations Seminar held at Grand Lodge, many Brothers were supportive of creating a regional "publication" to highlight local Masonic activity. This blog is a result of that Public Relations Seminar.
We can also assist you in writing or editing your article as well as giving you some tips on how to take better photos. I also hope to have a section where we can also post video segments as well.
Send your articles and photos to:
Clifford Jacobs